Look at the following map:
We are going to work out the six figure grid reference for
the bridge where the B6718 crosses the river Hadd at the south of the map. As
you get more used to doing this, you will work out the entire easting, then the
entire northing, rather than working out 4 figure then 6 figure. That is what we
will try now. You will also estimate the 100km grid.
The easting is between 02 and 03. It is just under half way
between - so it is 024.
The northing is between 08 and 09. It is about 3/10 of the
way up, so it is 083.
The final reference is (024 083) - EASY!
There really isn't anything hard about six figure grid
references - it just takes practise to get up to speed with them.
Now try some examples.